ACO Historical Plaques 


The ACO Stratford-Perth County plaque program has reached almost 400 plaques and more applications continue to arrive.


We have more than six volunteers to help with research this year. Research for each plaque takes between 30 and 50 hours.


To all of our hard-working researchers, many thanks.




Historical Plaque Program


The historical plaque program launched in February 2012 is sponsored by the Stratford-Perth County Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario. It helps citizens and tourists connect with the history of the community by identifying with a plaque residential, commercial and other properties built pre-World War II. The program has been well received by residents and visitors. Historical House Plaque


Each plaque records the date the structure was built and the name and occupation of the title holder(s) or tenant of record. Plaques are located in an appropriate and clearly visible place on the façade of the building. ‘The Stratford-Perth County Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario’ is identified on each plaque.

The Stratford-Perth County Branch researches the history of the property through the Stratford-Perth County Archives and the R. Lorne Eedy Archives in St. Marys to determine the date of construction and the name and occupation of the title holder(s) or registered tenant. The details of the researched information accompanies each plaque presented to the current owners of the property. The Branch is the sole source for all plaques in order to maintain consistency in design, materials and recorded information.

The plaque program does not involve heritage designation of the property under the Ontario Heritage Act. Owners in the City of Stratford who wish to proceed with such designation should contact Heritage Stratford and the City of Stratford. Residents of other communities in Perth County should contact their municipal office regarding heritage designation.





 An interesting podcast about our program


Click here to download a plaque application


For further information contact:


Stratford-Perth County Branch ACO

356 Ontario Street. Suite 272

Stratford ON

N5A 7X6

